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About Me

Olivia Schumann- Writer

Since I was five years old, I have been in love with dance. I began doing ballet and then moved to jazz before finding my passion in hip hop. Although I enjoy to participate in the upbeat jazz and hip hop styles, I appreciate all types of dance. As a dancer, I know that it takes so much dedication, strength, stamina, and passion to dance. Dancers' talents are often degraded and not viewed as difficult or important because we do not look the part and blend in with other traditional sports. This is a debate that people are constantly discussing, and it inspired me to research more about it and educate others. I am passionate about spreading awareness about the importance of dance and how beautiful, yet powerful it is. 

I am currently a senior in high school, and dance continues to be a major aspect in my life (thirteen years and counting). I dance and compete at Shannon Carney Dance Academy and I am captain of the dance team at Pennridge High School. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, drawing, painting, listening to music, and going on adventures. However, dance takes up a lot of my free time, whether it is a class, practice, or just for fun. I plan to continue to dance in college while studying speech-language pathology at Misericordia University. I am not going to become a professional dancer, but I plan to never stop dancing and to continue to be passionate about it. Through my writing I hope to educate others on the benefits of dance and the incredible skill it takes to be a dancer.

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